Hi, my name is Verena Vogler and obtained my doctorate from the Chair of Computer Science in Architecture at the Bauhaus-
University Weimar (Prof. Sven Schneider, Prof. Jan Willmann).
In my dissertation, I developed a Framework for Artificial Coral Reef Design with a focus on integrating computational modelling and high precision monitoring strategies for ecosystem regeneration.
This website showcases a selection of the developed 3D tools for design, digital monitoring (based on the collected high precision underwater scan data), and the simulation of an ecosystem-aware design environment for new artificial reef designs.
During the past years, this research with the goal to contribute to a more holistic design approach, by equally addressing the requirements of humans and non-humans, offered great possibilities for collaborations with experts from different fields, e.g., marine scientist Dr. Thomas Goreau from the Global Coral Reef Alliance (GCRA), the UW survey expert Bert von der Togt from Baars Cipro and the UW photography expert Dr. Georg Nies from UWF, Delphine Robbe, manager of the NGO Gili Eco Trust, and the local community at the Gili Islands.
Vogler, V. 2022. “A New Framework For Artificial Coral Reef Design.” JoDLA Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, Issue 7-2022, 524–537. Berlin/Offenbach: Wichmann Verlag im VDE VERLAG. e-ISSN 2511-624X.
Vogler, V. 2022. “A framework for artificial coral reef design: Integrating computational modelling and high precision monitoring strategies for artificial coral reefs – an Ecosystem-aware design approach in times of climate change.” Dissertation Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 1–243. https://doi.org/10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4611.
Vogler, V. 2019. “Close Range Underwater Photogrammetry for High Resolution Survey of a Coral Reef: A Comparison between Reconstructed 3-D Point Cloud Models from Still Image and Video Data.” Tagungsband zur Konferenz Go-3D 2019. Stuttgart/ Rostock: Fraunhofer Verlag: 107–20. ISBN 978-3-8396-1499-0.
Vogler, V., S. Schneider, and J. Willmann. 2019. “High-Resolution Underwater 3-d Monitoring Methods to Reconstruct Artificial Coral Reefs in the Bali Sea: A Case Study of an Artificial Reef Prototype in Gili Trawangan.” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 2019 (4). VDE VERLAG GMBH: 275–89.
Vogler, V. 2018. “Studien zur Geometrie von künstlichen Korallenriffen in der Balisee.” Sonderheft Korallenarchitektur der Andrea von Braun Stiftung. Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität 2018 (21). Oekom Verlag: 1–56.